Tuesday 4 February 2014


Funny old world this one,
One day you wake up with a crazy idea, the world is vast... it is your oyster. You wake feeling bright, smiling on. Today is going to be amazing!

But, sometimes, one little thing can change all that, a nasty comment, and a shitty phone call.
The other day was like that. But always something saves me, saves me from the darkness rolling over, making me want to build a fortress, a cubby house, climb inside and never come out.

The other day it was a beautiful woman, who radiated light, she spoke to me in a way that made me forget and believe.... she made me smile. The second was a man standing randomly on the side of the road, playing the bagpipes, unashamedly, and quite obviously having the best time ever. Good on him. And the third, of course was George, my cat, who, no matter what, remains the same, ever faithful, ever loving, always there.

And flowers, nature, always there to bring you back.

Tragic situations bring with them something that is otherwise taken for granted, they bring out the best in people (sometimes the worst!)… and, the best in people is unfortunately often suppressed with the day to day stresses of life, the mundane madness that we all struggle through, lying to ourselves that all this "STUFF" matters, that we HAVE to do this or that, because in the end it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter if someone pulls out in front of you, cutting you off, it doesn’t matter that you are 5 minutes late, it doesn’t matter if it rains on your washing!

What i've come to realise, through the epic battle of the past year.... that snowball that was 2013, is that what matters is the people you love and the people that love you back and the things that make you smile.  To live with authenticity in who you are, don’t try to be anybody but you. To speak your truth.  If it feels right in your heart, do it. If it doesn’t, then don’t.
Let go of anything that doesn't feed your soul.

Always call people back.... I made that mistake twice.

Have some fucking fun! Laugh!

Life really is too short
Make the most of it…. make it memorable.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Something in the head.......

Light and dark, old and new, good/evil, ugly and beautiful..... 
Know of the old dude 'William Blake"??? Amazing poet.. way before his time... I discovered him in high school when I was massively into the Doors.... Pretending to be a hippy with my best friend. Peace.
Jim Morrison took a lot of inspiration from him... and we studied his art in class...
He wrote, sometime ago... actually it was way back...., like in the 17 - 1800's

'Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion,Reason and Energy, Love and Hate are necessary to Human existence.From these contraries spring what the religious call Good & Evil.Good is the passive that obeys Reason. Evil is the active springing from Energy. Good is Heaven. Evil is Hell."

I kind of get it but i don't... Its like, I know I should be 'good'... exercise, yoga, leafy greens... but a few wines with my friends.... I find it hard to say no...
Laughter is the best medicine after all... isn't it??

These photos are from a shoot I did with my beautiful friend Anna, fabulous photographer... www.annaturner.com.au
I love contrast, for me, this shoot was about the ugly and the beautiful...

Such a raw, derelict place, old and abandoned, yet nature strives and the light is amazing...
Things are what they are.

Be in an attitude of gratitude...
All y'all
Try, at least, no matter how shit things are....

P.S..... I's wine evil???
Surely not.

Monday 13 January 2014

Who are you???

New year, new you?, new me????? Hopefully... Im trying. Today i got thinking about, well, me. I went through all my clothes and tried to practice cat eyes in the mirror... im way better at flowers than this, now i just have really bad panda eyes.

  I found myself thinking about all those women who have just 'GOT IT '
after reading 'Alexa Chung's new book .... Sooo good. Really. How do you define yourself? 
Do you ever really know who you are??
What the fuck is "IT" anyway??
Do you change in accordance to the company you keep? How do you stay true.... to you??

I have too much time on my hands, I think I want flowers to get sexy. Im sick of pretty.
Beautiful is passable... but pretty, well, to me its getting pretty boring.

This year im going for
- sexy
- beautiful
- amazing
- fabulous
- out of control (OOC)

 I wonder what Kate would say???? or Coco... or Audrey, or Alexa, or Liv, Anna, Jane, Chrissy, or 
Anna Karina, Miranda, Bridget, Anita???

All these girls are my inspiration for this year, this year my flowers are going to emulate them. 
Fierce and Fabulous.  

And....what is this 'happy medium' thing.
All or nothing I say.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

A word from the wise......

What i recently discovered in Laos.....

Love does not find you, 
nor do you find Love. 
Love is ever present. 
When you are willing to open, to risk, to adventure, to live with authenticity - 
then the power of Love flows through you." ~ Julie Parker

Tuesday 5 November 2013

BOOM Sha ka la ka.....


In case you haven't noticed... its a funny old life this one, the universe works in mysterious ways, its been a somewhat tricky year for me, unforgettable to say the least.... But somehow you keep plodding along, my beautiful friends, i love you all so much, id not have survived without you... (wine helps too!)
But, now, shits getting real, things are happening, and i've some exciting things up my sleeve.... so, watch this space...

Tuesday 18 June 2013

For Lynn - a sweet old thing.

At about 3.3o this afternoon I got talking to a lady
 named, Lynn, we marvelled over the faces in the Violas and talked of high teas, gardens and Monet and then.. she told me of a story that gave me goosebumps aaaaallllll over.....

It went a little something like this....

One day, on the tram, she said, a very dear, very old gentleman  got on, all bent over with his walking frame, Lynn helped him, and they got chatting.. (as Lynn likes to do, I discovered)

He was a German man and had come to Australia with his brother just after the war had ended. One night, he and his brother went to a dance, neither of them could speak a word of english, they stood and looked around the room, the man soon spotted a pretty girl across from where he stood wearing a pink dress, he turned to his brother and said 'Im going to ask that girl to dance, and if she says yes, I will marry her'.

His brother said, 'dont be silly!!'
None the less,
The man approached the girl and as he couldn't speak english, he gestured that he would like to dance with her, and she accepted.

They danced the night away, and at the end he offered to give her a ride home, she refused and gestured towards a bus across the way, so he, being the gentleman that he is, accompanied her home on the bus.

She agreed to see him again.

They married.

He said, that every morning when he woke, was like waking up at Christmas, because he just could not believe that this beautiful woman sleeping beside him was actually his wife. 
He said he never regretted a day of his life that he spent with her.
She recently passed away,

He still has that pink dress hanging in the closet.